Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Halloween in Ohio ~ Photos by Cherrystone

Now, personally, I think the orange ones are hilarious. I love them don't get me wrong, but it just reminds me of something almost cheesy.(??) I don't know why, but anywhoo - I love the first one because it's not a normal expression you see in my work. The last orange one, I put up for shit's and giggles - it's almost as if I should be saluting or something. It's hilarious and great to me. So hope you like them or at least they bring a smile to your face.

Let me be clear though, that Cherrystone is not only an amazing person, but I love his work and I do think these are nice (why I posted them obviously) - I am more or less, making fun of myself and the way I chose to pose myself despite how well they came out. So like I said - hope you enjoy ;)

Love to Cherrystone xo!

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